Højt kolesteroltal kan være lusket farligt for dit helbred.
Det kan også skade dine chancer for at få livsforsikring af høj kvalitet.
Et højt kolesteroltal fortæller livsforsikringsselskaber, at du er mere tilbøjelig til at få hjertesygdomme, få et hjerteanfald eller få et slagtilfælde.
Hvis dette skete, og du døde, kan dit forsikringsselskab ende med at betale din polices dødsfald meget hurtigere, end de havde forventet.
Så forsikringsgivere reagerer på forhøjet kolesterol ved enten at afvise din ansøgning eller opkræve højere præmier.
For en forbruger kan denne tendens skabe en frustrerende Catch-22:Dit høje kolesteroltal kan betyde, at du er ivrig efter at have dækning på plads, men dit høje kolesteroltal er også grunden til, at du ikke kan få adgang til den bedste dækning til de bedste priser.
Jeg vil dele nogle strategier nedenfor for at hjælpe forsikringskunder med højt kolesteroltal.
Lad os dog først tage et kig på, hvordan forsikringsselskaber ser på dine kolesterolmålinger, og hvordan dine målinger passer ind i det større billede af livsforsikringsgarantiprocessen.
Vi tænker på kolesterol som højt eller lavt, og med god grund:Det er normalt sådan, vores læger taler om det.
Forsikringsselskaber har en tendens til at være mere interesserede i dit kolesterolforhold dog.
Vi har to hovedtyper af kolesterol:
Hvis den gode form for kolesterol øger dine målinger, er det ikke så slemt, og dit forhold mellem HDL og LDL vil formidle nyhederne til forsikringsselskaberne.
Dit forhold vil normalt blive udtrykt som et lavt tal.
For eksempel en 2 er rigtig god, hvorimod en score på 6 betyder, at du kunne bruge noget arbejde.
For at finde dit forhold skal du dividere dit LDL-tal med dit HDL-tal.
Kolesterol er selvfølgelig ikke den eneste faktor, forsikringsgivere overvejer.
Her er nogle flere overvejelser:
Så medmindre kolesterol er dit eneste problemområde, skal du overveje flere spørgsmål for at forbedre din satsklassificering og få adgang til de bedste livsforsikringspriser.
For nu holder vi os dog til emnet for hånden:højt kolesteroltal.
Mange mennesker ved ikke om deres høje kolesterol, før de ansøger om livsforsikring og tager en lægeundersøgelse.
Det betyder, at du og dit livsforsikringsselskab lærer om dit høje kolesteroltal samtidigt.
På det tidspunkt har du en beslutning at tage:Fortsæt ansøgningsprocessen for forsikring og betal mere, end du havde forventet, eller pump bremserne og overvej andre muligheder.
Du kan undgå dette dilemma ved at planlægge din egen lægeundersøgelse, inklusive et standardlaboratoriepanel, før du ansøger om forsikring.
På denne måde kan du se, hvor du står, før dit forsikringsselskab finder ud af det.
Uanset hvordan du opdagede dit høje kolesteroltal, så brug nedenstående strategier til at komme med din plan for at få den perfekte dækning!
Jeg er ikke læge, og jeg har aldrig selv spillet en på tv, men jeg synes, det er værd at nævne lige uden for porten.
Hvis højt kolesteroltal er den primære barriere mellem dig og en overkommelig, medicinsk garanteret dækning, der kan beskytte din familie i årtier, kan du løse problemet ved at sænke dit kolesteroltal.
Her er nogle praktiske tips til at sænke dit kolesteroltal:
Jeg ved det, jeg ved det – denne plan virker muligvis ikke.
Måske kan du ikke vente et år, før du får dækning...
Eller der er højt kolesteroltal i din familie, og der er ikke nok broccoli i verden til at hjælpe.
Prof tip: Selvom afhængighed af medicin måske ikke ser så attraktivt ud for forsikringsgivere, virker det til din fordel at vise, at du har fået et sundhedsproblem under kontrol.
At komme i form er et af de bedste tips til at få en livsforsikring til en overkommelig pris.
Og det er ikke kun dine priser, der forbedres; du vil forbedre dit generelle helbred.
Tal med en læge for at lave en plan for dine specifikke sundhedsbehov.
Annoncer efter penge. Vi kan blive kompenseret, hvis du klikker på denne annonce.AnnonceIf you’ve been diagnosed with high cholesterol but have gotten the problem under control, make sure your doctor’s office updates your medical records.
More and more insurance companies rely on electronic medical records, and if yours are out of date, you might not be getting credit for your improving health.
Pro Tip :If you’re young and pretty healthy other than the high cholesterol reading (and if you need a lot of coverage to protect your family’s financial future) this may be the strategy for you.
Read on for strategies not involving treadmills.
Wouldn’t it be nice if insurance underwriters simply never found out about your high cholesterol?
It turns out that’s not a far-fetched idea.
Many life insurance companies offer no-exam life insurance policies, and they perform just the way you think.
You apply for coverage, answer a questionnaire about your health, and more often than not, get approved for coverage, often within a day or two.
Sound too good to be true?
It’s not, but (you knew this was coming, right?) there’s a catch, a few catches actually:
Truth be told, no-exam coverage just isn’t as robust as medically underwritten coverage.
How could it be?
Underwriters base premiums on risk.
Without a medical exam, they know very little about the risk your policy would create to the company’s bottom line.
So if you have growing kids and want to fund their college career or a spouse who would need to pay off the house if you died, no-exam coverage probably won’t be up to the task.
This no-exam strategy would be best for older applicants who need less coverage.
Pro Tip: Use the no-exam option to buy time:You could get a no-exam policy to have at least some coverage while you work on lowering your cholesterol so you can access better medically underwritten rates in a year or two.
So far we’ve talked about lowering your cholesterol, and we’ve talked about paying more for less coverage with a no-exam policy.
Both these strategies will leave many people out in the cold.
Isn’t there some middle ground?
Some way to get quality coverage without joining a health club and waiting a year?
The short answer is yes , but doing so requires some patience and inside knowledge.
Many insurance companies place your application in a category to help set your premiums:
Your cholesterol ratio is only one of dozens of factors that help determine your category.
If you can find an insurance company that tends to give applicants with higher cholesterol ratios more preferred rates, you could save a lot on premiums compared with a standard rate at another company.
The trouble is, these sweet spots can be moving targets as companies regularly change their underwriting criteria.
What works this year may not help an applicant next year.
Pro Tip :Work with an independent life insurance agent who can navigate these tight channels. Independent agents work with a variety of insurance companies, so they have a lot of inside information to guide you toward the right company at the right time.
Generally speaking, I’d recommend the following companies for applicants with a history of high cholesterol because, over the years, I’ve noticed applicants with high cholesterol have done well with these providers:
Banner Life — Banner Life is a great company for a variety of reasons.
I’d recommend them for most any life insurance applicant.
More favorable rates for people with higher cholesterol ratios is a nice bonus.
ING Reliastar — I like ING Reliastar’s approach because men and women have different criteria for cholesterol ratings.
Every little bit helps.
If you can squeeze into a better rating category, your bank account will thank you.
Prudential — Prudential is a rock-solid company which has been consistently less
picky about cholesterol ratios over the years.
Prudential is a great choice if you have any high-risk conditions which might hinder your access to affordable coverage with other popular providers.
It’s easy to get hyper-focused on a problem area when shopping for life insurance.
While there’s nothing wrong with focusing on one area, such as your cholesterol ratio, remember:life insurance has dozens of moving parts, any of which could impact your premiums.
This should be a no-brainer, but it’s easy to overlook:The more coverage you buy, the more you’ll pay.
If $500,000 in coverage would help your family pay off the house and put aside some money for future living expenses, stick with that coverage amount.
Increasing coverage to $1 million could mean you’re paying for more peace of mind than you need.
Not sure how much coverage you need?
Most people think 5 to 10 times your annual income should be enough, assuming you have people who depend on you financially for the foreseeable future.
Yes, cholesterol and blood pressure impact your premiums, but tobacco really clouds things up, posing the biggest threat to affordable premiums.
If you smoke, quitting, and making a long-term commitment to stay away from tobacco can save exponentially on your monthly premiums.
For a lot of people, quitting tobacco can lead to other health improvements, which will make your insurance rating even happier.
Term life usually saves money because it lasts for only a specific period of time, usually ranging between 10 and 30 years.
When the policy expires you can reassess your needs and get a different policy, continue paying a higher rate, or do without coverage if you don’t need it.
A whole policy lasts the rest of your life, and your premiums also fund a cash account you can access later in life.
If you’re young and need a lot of coverage, keep things simple and save with a term policy.
What’s the most affordable life insurance?
That’s easy:The most affordable life insurance is not having to buy life insurance.
If you’re older, have a healthy financial portfolio, and feel confident your dependents could carry on just fine financially if you died, you may not need life insurance coverage.
That being said, life insurance is remarkably flexible.
You could use a policy to fund a scholarship in someone’s memory or get coverage simply to make sure your dependents have cash available while they liquify your assets.
Work with an estate planner or a financial advisor to make these plans, then make sure your family knows about them.
Your individual challenges — factors like high cholesterol, a dangerous occupation, or a tight monthly budget — can make getting quality life insurance coverage difficult.
Congratulations on sticking with it and looking for the best way to protect your family finances from the unexpected!
You must already know having the right life insurance coverage can make a tremendous difference for your family members.
If high cholesterol has prevented you from getting coverage, stick with it .
Try to control your cholesterol and look for other ways to save on premiums.
And don’t hesitate to ask for help!
Leave a comment below or find an independent agent in your area.