MetLife Insurance blev grundlagt i 1868 og er en af de længst fungerende aktører i forsikringsbranchen i USA. Selvom det ikke topper hitlisterne, er det blandt de virksomheder, du ikke bare kan ignorere, især hvis du er en ny chauffør.
Bilforsikringsselskabet modtager nogle retfærdige placeringer fra de mest velrenommerede industrikraftcentre, såsom J.D Power og A.M Best.
MetLife Auto Insurance tilbyder forskellige dækningsmuligheder til bilejere. Derudover har de et partnerskab med Lyft for at dække chauffører, der arbejder med samkørselsappen.
Denne dækning er en reel forskel på markedet, da intet andet bilforsikringsselskab tilbyder denne type dækning til chauffører, der arbejder med samkørsels- eller førerhusapps.
Bilforsikringsselskabet tilbyder nogle rabatter, selvom MetLife Auto Insurance ikke tilbyder så mange rabatter som sine konkurrenter i bilforsikringsbranchen. Det har nogle få rabatter, der kan hjælpe dig med at spare gode penge på din bilforsikring.
Nogle af de rabatter, som dette firma tilbyder sine kunder, inkluderer Den gode studerende rabat og Defensive Driving Course rabat.
En af de mest spændende funktioner ved MetLife-forsikring er, at du med den kan få bilforsikringsdækning i op til halvtreds stater i USA.
Ikke ret mange bilforsikringsselskaber har så stærk en tilstedeværelse i så mange stater i landet.
Annoncer efter penge. Vi kan blive kompenseret, hvis du klikker på denne annonce.AnnonceAs a policyholder who is covered by MetLife Auto Insurance cover, you have access to the following products:
Some car owners love entertainment, so they may want to customize their sound systems to fit their audio needs. In the insurance market, there aren’t many insurers who will let you cover your custom sound equipment. The assumption is that this was not originally bought with the car and therefore that liability is on you.
MetLife, however, allows you to cover your custom sound equipment and get compensated accordingly in case of an accident.
If you want to replace your car in the near future, MetLife car replacement cover might just be what you need to achieve that goal. This cover guarantees that if you have a new car that has been insured by MetLife, and it has a mileage of below 15,000 miles and is less than a year old, you can claim a new one.
It’ll be much easier and cheaper if you have a clean traffic record, but of course, they must do necessary due diligence. Not so many people get compensated by auto insurers when their cars get damaged beyond repair. With MetLife car replacement cover, you’ll never worry about that.
For many ride-sharing drivers, getting a custom auto insurance plan is an uphill task as most insurers tend to shy away from the risk associated with ride-sharing apps. However, if you are on Lyft’s platform and are in the following states, you do qualify for cover; Colorado, Illinois, Texas, California, and Washington.
The cover applies when you are waiting for a customer, when you are driving to go and pick up a passenger, and when you are driving with the passenger in the car.
In the event of a road accident, you’re the one who’s going to pay for towing services. MetLife offers to cover you for the towing fees should your car get damaged while you are on the road. Additionally, the company will also help cover the rental expenses for another car while you wait for your vehicle to be repaired.
This rental car coverage is about $25 daily, up to a total of $750 for the duration that you will be renting the car.
As the name suggests, this type of coverage fills the gap in your car value if it’s less than the amount you still have to pay off. MetLife will pay the difference between the value of the car and the amount that remains on the car lease or loan.
Not many insurers provide this coverage, and other people are required to meet the difference when financing or leasing a car, which can get heavy.
Although we have mentioned that MetLife does not offer very many discounts when compared to its competitors on the market, the discounts they do offer are an exceptional benefit to its customers, including:
With good grades in school, as a student, you are going to get some discounts when you apply for an auto cover with MetLife. The discounts that you can get under this special discount can be up to 15% on the premiums to be paid. It is a good deal for motivated students who’ve just bought their first car and would like to take advantage of the discount during their time in school.
Have you taken a defensive driving course? If so, then you qualify for a discount at MetLife when you apply for auto cover. MetLife recognizes this extra effort and will give you a discount on your premiums if this skill is on your driving license.
When it comes to the relationship with its customers, MetLife does not live up to its reputation as one of the longest-serving auto insurance dealers in the United States. Several industry ratings do bring this to the fore, with the likes of Better Business Bureau rating MetLife at an embarrassing D-.
This grade is a meager rating considering that many of its competitors will rank above a B+ in the same polls. A.M Best Rating gives MetLife a better ranking of A+, but the reality on the ground shows a stark difference between these ratings and the customer service that MetLife offers.
Although the company has favorable premium rates on most of its auto insurance policies, other supporting components to do not function optimally. A good example is their mobile app that is available on both the Android and Apple platforms.
You cannot process a claim through the app, but you can pay your premiums through it. Customer care can be reached via the app as well, but you will experience long periods of waiting before getting through to anyone for assistance. Additionally, the insurer’s website is one of the most poorly rated in the market in terms of responsiveness.
MetLife is, without a doubt, a leader in the insurance industry. Its reputation as one of the longest-serving companies is also a factor that has made a lot of people trust the company.
When it comes to auto insurance, however, MetLife does not offer as many benefits as its competitors. Additionally, its discounts may not appeal to a wide range of customers.
For new car owners, however, MetLife Auto Insurance Cover is an excellent option. For students who are looking to capitalize on their good grades in school to get auto insurance cover discounts, it’s also a winning formula.
So, should you buy a policy with MetLife Insurance? Ultimately, you are the only one that can decide.
Be sure to get quotes from different insurers and compare them before deciding on which policy to buy.