Coronavirus har ikke helt afsluttet livet, som vi kendte det, men det har bestemt forårsaget ændringer, hvoraf nogle sandsynligvis vil være med os i meget lang tid.
For nogle er coronavirus bogstaveligt talt et spørgsmål om liv og død, og det rejser et vigtigt spørgsmål:hvordan påvirker coronavirus livsforsikring?
Ingen kan lide at tænke på muligheden for at miste deres liv eller en elskets liv til denne virus, men for over 150.000 familier her i USA har det vist sig at være en realitet.
Lad os undersøge, hvilken indvirkning det kan have på dine eksisterende policer, og måske endnu vigtigere, hvordan det kan påvirke ansøgninger om ny livsforsikringsdækning.
Der er gode nyheder, hvis du allerede har en livsforsikring på plads. Generelt udbetaler forsikringsselskabet en dødsfaldsydelse, selvom du dør af coronavirus. Med få undtagelser vil livsforsikringer betale for enhver dødsårsag, når policen er i kraft. Der er meget få undtagelser fra denne regel, såsom krigshandlinger eller terrorisme. Pandemier er ikke en kendt undtagelse.
Hvis du overhovedet føler dig utilpas med, hvordan coronavirus kan påvirke dine eksisterende livsforsikringer, skal du kontakte selskabet for at få en afklaring. Alternativt kan du gennemgå din livsforsikring og være særlig opmærksom på undtagelserne. Hvis der ikke er noget, der ligner døden på grund af en pandemi, burde du være klar.
Men når først politikken er på plads, er der kun nogle få grunde til, at forsikringsselskabet kan afvise et krav:
Ingen af disse er en alvorlig faktor, når det kommer til coronavirus, medmindre du testede positiv for virussen før ansøgningen og ikke afslørede det. Men da coronavirus kan ramme pludseligt, bør det ikke forstyrre dine dødsfald, hvis det sker, når din politik allerede er i kraft.
Dette er kun et gæt fra min side, men jeg tror, at folk måske tænker mere over at købe livsforsikring nu, de måtte have til enhver tid i fortiden. Coronavirussen har vist sig at være en reel trussel mod både liv og helbred, hvilket gør det naturligt at overveje det værste.
Men uanset hvad du gør, så lad ikke din frygt for det ukendte afholde dig fra at ansøge om dækning. Selvom du måske ønsker, at du har købt en police eller fået en ekstra dækning, før virussen ramte, er det nu stadig det bedste tidspunkt at ansøge. Og det er ikke et salgsargument!
Uanset hvad der sker i verden, er det bedste tidspunkt at ansøge om livsforsikring altid nu. Det er fordi du er yngre og sandsynligvis sundere lige nu, end du nogensinde vil være igen. Begge forhold er store fordele, når det kommer til køb af livsforsikring. Hvis du udsætter ansøgningen, betaler du en højere præmie ved at ansøge senere, når du er en lille smule ældre. Men hvis du udvikler en alvorlig helbredstilstand mellem nu og da, vil ikke kun din præmie være højere, men du kan endda blive nægtet fuldstændig dækning.
Lad ikke frygten for coronavirus komme i vejen. Hvis du mener, at du har brug for livsforsikring eller mere af det, så ansøg nu.
Annoncer efter penge. Vi kan blive kompenseret, hvis du klikker på denne annonce.AnnonceThat said, the impact of the coronavirus on new applications for life insurance is more significant than it is for existing policies.
The deaths of more than 100,000 people in the US is naturally having an effect on claims being paid by life insurance companies. While there’s been no significant across-the-board change in how most life insurance companies evaluate new applications, the situation is evolving rapidly. Exactly how that will play out going forward is anyone’s guess at the moment.
If you’re under 60 and in good or excellent health, and not currently showing signs of the virus, the likelihood of being approved for life insurance is as good as it’s ever been. You can make an application, and not concern yourself with the virus.
That said, it may be more difficult to get life insurance if you have any conditions determined to put you at risk for the coronavirus, as determined by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).
These include:
Now to be fair, each of the above conditions would require special consideration even apart from the coronavirus. But since they’re known coronavirus risk factors, the impact of each has become more important in the life insurance application process.
If any of these conditions apply to you, the best strategy is to work with insurance companies that already specialize in those categories.
There are insurance companies that take a more favorable view of people with any of the following conditions:
But even with insurance companies that specialize in providing coverage for people with certain health conditions, some have introduced new restrictions in light of the coronavirus.
For example, if you have a significant health condition and you’re over 65, you may find fewer companies willing to provide coverage.
The insurance company may also check your records for previous coronavirus episodes or exposures. Expect additional testing to determine if you’re currently infected. Most likely, the application process will be delayed until the condition clears, unless it has resulted in long-term complications.
Travel is another factor being closely examined. The CDC maintains an updated list of travel recommendations by country. If you’ve recently traveled to a high-risk country, or you plan to do so in the near future, you may be considered at higher risk for the coronavirus. How each insurance company handles this situation will vary. But your application may be delayed until you’ve completed a recommended quarantine period.
Since the coronavirus is still very much active in the US and around the world, financial considerations are in a constant state of flux. If you’re concerned at all about the impact of the virus on other insurance types, you should contact your providers for more information.
Other insurance policies that my warrant special consideration are:
Many have been gripped by fear in the face of the coronavirus, which is mostly a fear of the unknown. But the best way to overcome fear is through positive action.
I recommend the following:
Since there is a connection between poor health and the virus, commit to improving your health. Maintain a proper diet, get regular exercise, and follow the CDC coronavirus guidelines on how to protect yourself.
Don’t wait for a bout with the virus to take this step. It’s important for a number of reasons and the consequences of not having it can be severe. Compare the best life insurance companies to get started.
If you don’t have the virus, and you want to do a policy as quickly as possible, no medical exam life insurance will be a way to get coverage almost immediately.
Low cost means you can buy a larger policy. With the uncertainty caused by the coronavirus, having enough life insurance is almost as important as having a policy at all. Look into cheap term life insurance to learn more about what you can afford.
Did you know that your credit score is a factor in setting the premium on your life insurance policy? If so, you have one more reason to maintain a healthy credit score. One of the best ways to do it is by regularly monitoring your credit and credit score. There are plenty of services available to help you monitor your credit.
This action step rates a special discussion. When times get tough, and money is in short supply, people often cancel or reduce their insurance coverage. That includes life insurance. But that can be a major mistake in the middle of a pandemic. The coronavirus means that maintaining your current life insurance policies must be a high priority.
The virus and the uncertainty it’s generating in the economy and the job market are making finances less stable than they’ve been in years. You’ll need to be intentional about maintaining financial buffers.
If you don’t already have one place, start building one today. If you already have one up and running, make a plan to increase it regularly.
You should also do what you can to maximize the interest you’re earning on your emergency fund. You should park your fund in a high-interest savings account, some of which are paying interest that’s more than 20 times the national bank average.
In another direction, be purposeful about paying down your debt. Lower debt levels translate into lower monthly payments, and that improves your cash flow.
If you don’t have the funds to pay down your debts, there are ways you can make them more manageable.
For example, if you have high-interest credit card debt, there are balance transfer credit cards that provide a 0% introductory APR for up to 21 months. By eliminating the interest for that length of time, you’ll be able to dedicate more of each payment toward principal reduction.
Still another strategy for lowering your debts is to do a debt consolidation using a low interest personal loan. Personal loans are unsecured loans that have a fixed interest rate and monthly payment, as well as a specific loan term. You can consolidate several loans and credit cards into a single personal loan for up to $40,000, with interest rates starting as low as 5.99%.
We’ve covered a lot of ground in this article. But that’s because the coronavirus comes close to being an all-encompassing crisis. It’s been said the coronavirus is both a health crisis and an economic crisis at the same time. It requires strategies on multiple fronts, including protecting your health, your finances, and your family’s finances when you’re no longer around to provide for them.
That’s where life insurance comes into the picture. The basic process hasn’t changed much from the coronavirus, at least not up to this point. But that’s why it’s so important to apply for coverage now, before major changes are put into effect.
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