Selvom valget mellem at lease eller købe en bil har masser af økonomiske konsekvenser, er penge ikke den eneste faktor, der indgår i denne beslutning. Faktisk er dette valg ofte baseret på en persons tolerance over for risiko, og hvor ofte de foretrækker at skifte bil.
Hvis du vil eje en bil direkte - og nyde noget tid uden en frygtet bilbetaling - er det at købe en bil det oplagte valg. Hvis du er ligeglad med bilejerskab, er leasing af en bil mere udbredt, end nogle bilister er klar over.
Ifølge Experians Q4 2020 State of the Auto Finance Market-undersøgelse blev 26,45 % af alle nye køretøjer leaset sidste år med Hondaer og Toyotaer som de mest populære bilproducenter. Leasing af en bil kan også betyde en mere overkommelig månedlig betaling, afhængigt af dit scenario.
Inden du beslutter dig for, om du vil købe eller lease en bil, skal du tænke over din økonomi og din livsstil. Denne guide kan hjælpe dig med at beslutte, hvad du skal overveje, før du køber eller leaser en bil, sammen med fordele og ulemper ved begge muligheder.
Annoncer efter penge. Vi kan blive kompenseret, hvis du klikker på denne annonce.AnnonceYou can purchase a car outright if you have the cash, yet most consumers use auto loan financing to facilitate their purchase. In fact, the same Experian report found that 81.12% of new vehicles were purchased with a car loan last year, and 34.59% of used vehicles were purchased through financing.
The prevalence of financing has to do with the high cost of cars and trucks, and especially new vehicles. Experian revealed that consumers purchasing a new car financed an average of $35,228 in 2020, compared to $33,255 in 2019. That brings the average new car payment to $576 in Q4 of last year — a new record high.
The fact consumers are borrowing higher amounts also leads to new car loans with significantly longer terms. In fact, 42.13% of new car loans were for 61 to 72 months in Q4 of 2020, and 30.21% opted for loans that last 73 to 84 months. A very small percentage (1.41%) even opted for auto loan terms longer than that.
Whatever payment route you decide on, there are several ways to purchase a car. You can buy your new ride from an auto dealership, but can also opt for a private sale or an auction purchase. If you don’t have the cash to pay for your car outright, you can see if you qualify for in-house dealer financing or look for a third-party auto loan.
You can use marketplaces to compare auto loan rates for new and used cars. For example, a few marketplaces we recommend are Auto Approve, AUTOPAY, myAutoloan, or RateGenius. These sites can help you find the lowest auto loan rate you qualify for.
Thanks to technology, finding the best car purchase deal is easier than ever. Consider these tips as you look for a new or used car to buy:
When leasing a car, you’re borrowing it for a specific term. You won’t build any equity in the vehicle at all, but you’re generally off the hook for repairs during your lease term since the car is most likely under warranty.
Although leasing comes with downsides, it’s still a popular option for people who want to drive a new car most of the time. Leasing lets you get into a new car, drive it for a few years, and then upgrade to a new lease and start the process all over again. You’ll never have to worry about selling a car so you can move on to a newer one, nor worry about having negative equity in your trade-in.
According to Experian, the average lease term worked out to a little over 36 months (36.46 months) in Q4 of 2020. Meanwhile, the average monthly payment for leases was $460 per month.
If you’ve decided to lease a vehicle instead of buying one, you’ll want to start your search at major car dealerships that offer new vehicles. Here are some tips that can help you find the best lease deal.
Buying a car can be a better option, if you plan on keeping a car for multiple years. That’s because driving for several years lets you build equity in a vehicle, which you can use for trade-in value down the line.
If you keep your car long enough, you could even own it outright and enjoy not having a car payment for as long as you can. Meanwhile, owning a car also means you can drive your car as many miles as you want and deck it out with the latest accessories.
Just remember that owning a car means you’re responsible for maintenance and repairs, at least, once your warranty period expires.
Leasing a car can be a better choice if you love regularly driving a new car. It might be an option for those who want to avoid having negative equity in a car or going through the hassle of selling an older vehicle.
Since leasing typically requires a lower monthly payment, you might be able to afford a lease for a car with more equipment or upgrades than you could with a new car purchase. Just remember that leasing means you never really own the car, and you’ll always have a car payment.
Leasing also comes with mileage limits that can be cumbersome depending on how much you drive, and you won’t be able to accessorize your car in any permanent way.
If your primary objective is saving money over the long-term, then buy a car and drive it into the ground! Conversely, you can also drive a new or used car until the repair costs signal that it’s time to upgrade.
If you prefer driving a new car all of the time, leasing is easily the better choice. This is especially true if you’re not bothered by having a car payment, indefinitely.
Before buying or leasing a car, ask yourself the following questions:
When it comes to buying or leasing a car, there is no “right” or “wrong” answer that applies to everyone. Consider the pros and cons of either option, and do what’s best for your lifestyle and your finances. At the end of the day, your goal should be lining up reliable transportation for a price you can afford.