Hvis et familiemedlem havde investeret 2.000 USD, da du blev født, hvor meget tror du, du ville have i dag?
Med hjælp fra Tenpao Lee, professor i økonomi ved Niagara University, har MoneyWise beregnet den aktuelle værdi af hypotetiske $2.000 investeringer i aktier, guld, obligationer og opsparinger foretaget i hvert af de sidste 50 år.
Vores resultater for aktier er baseret på afkast for S&P 500; det ville svare til at investere i en af de populære S&P 500-indeksfonde, der anbefales af nutidens automatiserede investeringstjenester, såsom Betterment.
Få dine penge til at arbejde for dig
Forbedring kan hjælpe dig med at tjene 38 % flere penge end en gennemsnitsinvestor.
Start nuGuldresultater er baseret på IBA års slutpriser; for obligationer brugte vi gennemsnitlige årlige afkast for 10-årige statsobligationer. Opsparingsresultater er baseret på gennemsnitlige afkast for 6-måneders cd'er, da historiske data om opsparingskontosatser ikke var tilgængelige. Vi har ikke justeret for inflation eller taget højde for investeringsgebyrer.
Se, hvordan en relativt beskeden investering foretaget i løbet af det år, du blev født, ville være vokset, og se, hvilken type investering, der ville have givet det bedste afkast.
$2.000 investeret i aktier ville give dig omkring $52.390 i dag.
$2.000 investeret i guld ville give dig omkring $62.560 i dag.
$2.000 investeret i obligationer ville give dig omkring $40.720 i dag.
2.000 USD i opsparing ville give dig omkring 25.310 USD i dag.
$2.000 investeret i aktier ville give dig omkring $61.240 i dag.
$2.000 investeret i guld ville give dig omkring $46.200 i dag.
$2.000 investeret i obligationer ville give dig omkring $37.750 i dag.
2.000 USD i opsparing ville give dig omkring 23.200 USD i dag.
$2.000 investeret i aktier ville give dig omkring $61.960 i dag.
$2.000 investeret i guld ville give dig omkring $70.250 i dag.
$2.000 investeret i obligationer ville give dig omkring $35.450 i dag.
2.000 USD i besparelser ville give dig omkring 21.940 USD i dag.
$2.000 investeret i aktier ville give dig omkring $56.260 i dag.
$2.000 investeret i guld ville give dig omkring $60.360 i dag.
$2.000 investeret i obligationer ville give dig omkring $33.470 i dag.
2.000 USD i opsparing ville give dig omkring 20.940 USD i dag.
$2.000 investeret i aktier ville give dig omkring $47.490 i dag.
$2.000 investeret i guld ville give dig omkring $40.580 i dag.
$2.000 investeret i obligationer ville give dig omkring $31.460 i dag.
2.000 USD i opsparing ville give dig omkring 19.800 USD i dag.
Begynd at gemme
Beregn, hvor meget du skal spare hver måned for at nå dit mål.
$2.000 investeret i aktier ville give dig omkring $58.870 i dag.
$2.000 investeret i guld ville give dig omkring $23.390 i dag.
$2.000 investeret i obligationer ville give dig omkring $29.430 i dag.
2.000 USD i opsparing ville give dig omkring 18.260 USD i dag.
$2.000 investeret i aktier ville give dig omkring $83.190 i dag.
$2.000 investeret i guld ville give dig omkring $14.000 i dag.
$2.000 investeret i obligationer ville give dig omkring $27.400 i dag.
2.000 USD i opsparing ville give dig omkring 16.780 USD i dag.
$2.000 investeret i aktier ville give dig omkring $62.900 i dag.
$2.000 investeret i guld ville give dig omkring $18.720 i dag.
$2.000 investeret i obligationer ville give dig omkring $25.430 i dag.
2.000 USD i opsparing ville give dig omkring 15.840 USD i dag.
$2.000 investeret i aktier ville give dig omkring $53.290 i dag.
$2.000 investeret i guld ville give dig omkring $19.510 i dag.
$2.000 investeret i obligationer ville give dig omkring $23.810 i dag.
2.000 USD i opsparing ville give dig omkring 15.130 USD i dag.
$2.000 investeret i aktier ville give dig omkring $59.470 i dag.
$2.000 investeret i guld ville give dig omkring $15.860 i dag.
$2.000 investeret i obligationer ville give dig omkring $22.090 i dag.
2.000 USD i opsparing ville give dig omkring 14.130 USD i dag.
$2.000 investeret i aktier ville give dig omkring $58.050 i dag.
$2.000 investeret i guld ville give dig omkring $11.700 i dag.
$2.000 investeret i obligationer ville give dig omkring $20.240 i dag.
2.000 USD i opsparing ville give dig omkring 12.680 USD i dag.
$2.000 investeret i aktier ville give dig omkring $51.760 i dag.
$2.000 investeret i guld ville give dig omkring $5.010 i dag.
$2.000 investeret i obligationer ville give dig omkring $18.340 i dag.
2.000 USD i opsparing ville give dig omkring 11.190 USD i dag.
$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $41,800 today.
$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $4,450 today.
$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $16,310 today.
$2,000 put into savings would give you around $9,670 today.
$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $45,070 today.
$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $6,560 today.
$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $14,310 today.
$2,000 put into savings would give you around $8,520 today.
$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $40,030 today.
$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $5,860 today.
$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $12,970 today.
$2,000 put into savings would give you around $7,840 today.
$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $33,940 today.
$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $6,880 today.
$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $11,600 today.
$2,000 put into savings would give you around $7,150 today.
$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $33,920 today.
$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $8,500 today.
$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $10,400 today.
$2,000 put into savings would give you around $6,580 today.
$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $26,920 today.
$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $8,030 today.
$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $9,540 today.
$2,000 put into savings would give you around $6,110 today.
$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $22,440 today.
$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $6,720 today.
$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $8,900 today.
$2,000 put into savings would give you around $5,760 today.
$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $23,150 today.
$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $5,400 today.
$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $8,170 today.
$2,000 put into savings would give you around $5,390 today.
$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $20,180 today.
$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $6,400 today.
$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $7,490 today.
$2,000 put into savings would give you around $4,920 today.
$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $16,006 today.
$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $6,550 today.
$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $6,940 today.
$2,000 put into savings would give you around $4,550 today.
$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $16,970 today.
$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $6,720 today.
$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $6,420 today.
$2,000 put into savings would give you around $4,240 today.
Start Saving
Calculate how much you need to save each month to reach your goal.
$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $14,360 today.
$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $7,430 today.
$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $6,020 today.
$2,000 put into savings would give you around $4,070 today.
$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $12,810 today.
$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $7,890 today.
$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $5,640 today.
$2,000 put into savings would give you around $3,930 today.
$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $11,980 today.
$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $6,720 today.
$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $5,330 today.
$2,000 put into savings would give you around $3,800 today.
$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $12,260 today.
$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $6,860 today.
$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $4,940 today.
$2,000 put into savings would give you around $3,560 today.
$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $9,090 today.
$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $6,790 today.
$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $4,680 today.
$2,000 put into savings would give you around $3,380 today.
$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $7,510 today.
$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $7,110 today.
$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $4,400 today.
$2,000 put into savings would give you around $3,200 today.
$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $5,800 today.
$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $9,080 today.
$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $4,160 today.
$2,000 put into savings would give you around $3,030 today.
$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $4,690 today.
$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $9,130 today.
$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $3,970 today.
$2,000 put into savings would give you around $2,890 today.
$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $3,910 today.
$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $9,030 today.
$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $3,730 today.
$2,000 put into savings would give you around $2,720 today.
$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $4,190 today.
$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $9,630 today.
$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $3,550 today.
$2,000 put into savings would give you around $2,560 today.
$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $4,870 today.
$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $9,500 today.
$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $3,380 today.
$2,000 put into savings would give you around $2,520 today.
$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $6,210 today.
$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $7,660 today.
$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $3,250 today.
$2,000 put into savings would give you around $2,480 today.
$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $5,160 today.
$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $6,290 today.
$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $3,120 today.
$2,000 put into savings would give you around $2,450 today.
$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $4,650 today.
$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $6,000 today.
$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $2,990 today.
$2,000 put into savings would give you around $2,390 today.
$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $4,420 today.
$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $5,120 today.
$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $2,870 today.
$2,000 put into savings would give you around $2,280 today.
$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $3,940 today.
$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $4,130 today.
$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $2,740 today.
$2,000 put into savings would give you around $2,170 today.
$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $3,770 today.
$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $3,140 today.
$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $2,630 today.
$2,000 put into savings would give you around $2,070 today.
$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $6,360 today.
$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $3,040 today.
$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $2,580 today.
$2,000 put into savings would give you around $2,040 today.
$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $5,030 today.
$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $2,380 today.
$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $2,480 today.
$2,000 put into savings would give you around $2,030 today.
$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $4,490 today.
$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $1,860 today.
$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $2,400 today.
$2,000 put into savings would give you around $2,020 today.
$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $4,490 today.
$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $1,670 today.
$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $2,360 today.
$2,000 put into savings would give you around $2,020 today.
$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $3,920 today.
$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $1,580 today.
$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $2,320 today.
$2,000 put into savings would give you around $2,020 today.
$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $3,090 today.
$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $2,190 today.
$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $2,250 today.
$2,000 put into savings would give you around $2,010 today.
$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $2,720 today.
$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $2,190 today.
$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $2,200 today.
$2,000 put into savings would give you around $2,010 today.
$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $2,720 today.
$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $2,470 today.
$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $2,150 today.
$2,000 put into savings would give you around $2,010 today.
$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $2,480 today.
$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $2,270 today.
$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $2,100 today.
$2,000 put into savings would give you around $2,010 today.
$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $2,090 today.
$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $2,030 today.
$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $2,050 today.
$2,000 put into savings would give you around $2,003 today.
More: Interested in investing? With Stash, anyone can start investing in just 2 minutes, with as little as $5 or as much as $2,000.
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