36 bedste Amazon Prime-fordele at bruge i 2021

En stor grund til, at mange af os sluttede op med den billige online-forhandler Amazon.com på vejen tilbage, var den gratis to-dages forsendelse, selve rødderne til Amazon Prime.

Det var dengang. Nu, da min Amazon-shoppingafhængighed er aftaget (og mit årlige medlemskab er forfaldent), tænkte jeg, at jeg ville undersøge, hvilke andre frynsegoder ved at være et Amazon Prime-medlemskab giver mig, sammen med de andre 100 millioner eller deromkring Prime-abonnenter verden over, der betaler 119 USD om året for medlemskab (du kunne). betale $12,99 om måneden, men det kommer ud til $155,88 om året). Du kan blive overrasket over nogle af nutidens bedste Amazon Prime-fordele -- udover gratis to-dages forsendelse (og hurtigt blive en-dags, samme dag og nogle steder, en times forsendelse).

Ta et kig på 36 af disse frynsegoder, der omgiver den gratis forsendelse af Amazon Prime, plus en stor ændring, der kan gøre dig vred (eller i dette tilfælde sulten) hos Amazons Whole Foods-afdeling for nye leveringsgebyrer.

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Gratis levering samme dag

Gratis to-dages forsendelse er så 2005, året Amazon lancerede Prime. Dagens Amazon Prime handler om at få flere ting til medlemmerne i et stadigt hurtigere tempo, da Amazon bygger flere distributionscentre (frem for alt dets seneste bestræbelser på at fremskynde gratis to-dages levering til gratis én-dags levering; Jeg er for nylig begyndt at få adskillige varer fra Amazon på én dag, gratis; ordren er som standard en dag ved kassen).

Nu er der dette:Gratis levering samme dag . Det gælder ikke alle steder, vel at mærke, men mere end 10.000 støtteberettigede byer og byer (for det meste større storbyområder) vil dække en masse mennesker. Hvis dit postnummer, som du kan tjekke ud lige her, tilbyder service samme dag, når du bestiller inden middag og vælger forsendelsesmulighed samme dag ved kassen, siger Amazon, at pakken vil blive leveret kl. 21.00, søndage inkluderet.

Hvis du bestiller efter middagstid, er en mulighed levering næste dag. To forbehold:Ordren samme dag skal være i alt 35 USD eller mere, og ikke alle Amazon-produkter er kvalificerede (se efter de mere end 3 millioner er markeret med "Prime GRATIS Same-Day Delivery"-logoet).

Hvis din levering samme dag er under $35, vil Amazon lægge dig til et tillæg på tre bukke, så du måske ønsker at bremse din roll. Åh, og hvis du ikke har et Prime-medlemskab og vil have, at noget-noget leveres samme dag, kan du gøre det, men du vil blive klippet $12,99 pr. vare .

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Gratis to timers levering

Tal om øjeblikkelig tilfredsstillelse! Amazons Prime Now-tjeneste leverer dagligvarevarerne til Prime-medlemmer gratis inden for to timer. Det er i øjeblikket på mere end 100 (og voksende) udvalgte markeder, herunder Atlanta, Boston, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, San Diego, Virginia Beach og det centrale New Jersey (Hej mor og far!). Gratis to-timers levering inkluderer dagligvareordrer fra Whole Foods, som ejes af Amazon, eller online Amazon Fresh. Kan du ikke vente to timer? Du kan hente dine lækkerier på dit Whole Foods-marked på én time (og set ud fra det under en nylig tur til en Whole Foods, er der mange, der drager fordel af det; butiksansatte havde travlt med at udfylde ordrer til afhentning). Prime Now har specialiseret sig i at levere varer lige fra tilberedte fødevarer og produkter til konserves, frisk kød og skaldyr, husholdningsartikler og mere.

Åh, og til info,hvis du var Amazon Pantry-kunde, det er du ikke længere . Amazon stoppede for nylig denne tjeneste, da den konsoliderede sine dagligvareleveringstjenester. Bare rolig; alle dagligvareprodukter er der stadig.

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Få betalt for No-Rush-levering

Hvis du kan have tålmodighed med nogle af dine ordrer, kan det bare betale sig. Vælg gratis forsendelse uden hastværk ved kassen, og du kan tjene enten en rabat eller en salgsfremmende præmie, der kan bruges til fremtidige Amazon-køb . Din no-rush-ordre vil ankomme inden for seks hverdage i stedet for standard to dage for Prime-medlemmer (og jeg har fundet ud af, at "seks dage" virkelig var tre dage et par gange, jeg har brugt no-rush). Priser tildeles efter din no-rush-ordre afsendes. Typiske givebacks inkluderer digital swag inklusive øjeblikkelige videodownloads, digital musik, e-bøger og Amazon app store apps. Ak, du vælger ikke belønningerne; Amazon gør.

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Få din førsteklasses garderobe på

Amazon har dig dækket -- i tøj. Prime Wardrobe er Primes svar på omklædningsrummet. Vælg dame-, mænds-, børne- og babytøj, sko og tilbehør online hos Amazon Wardrobe. Vælg op til 8 varer (sørg for, at de har Prime Wardrobe-logoet), og de vil blive sendt gratis og uden beregning for dig. Du har syv dage til at prøve dem og se, hvad du vil købe . Det er gratis at returnere alt, du ikke ønsker at købe. Din Prime Wardrobe-ordre leveres i en genlukkelig æske eller pose med en forudbetalt returlabel. Du skal bare slæbe den over til en UPS-forretning eller andre forhandlere, der tager imod Amazon-returnering (se nedenfor). De tager sig af resten.

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Giv til din yndlingsvelgørenhed

Du kan shoppe, købe og give til din foretrukne registrerede velgørende organisation gennem Amazon Prime. Virkelig. Denne velgørenhedsdrevne form for Amazon-shopping kaldes AmazonSmile. Du skal blot vælge en velgørenhedsorganisation, som du ønsker at modtage donationer fra Amazon, og gør alle dine Amazon.com-indkøb på din personlige AmazonSmile-side. Den har nøjagtig de samme produkter og priser som din almindelige Amazon.com-side, og du kan skifte mellem din almindelige Prime-konto og AmazonSmile. Amazon vil forsigtigt skubbe dig til AmazonSmile, hvis du glemmer det, men her er et tip:Ligesom du har bogmærket din almindelige Amazon.com-konto, kan du bogmærke din AmazonSmile-konto og skifte, hvis du ønsker det. Der er mere end en million kvalificerede 501(c)(3) offentlige velgørende organisationer at vælge imellem , og den, du vælger, vil modtage 0,5 % af værdien af ​​dine kvalificerede køb (der er titusinder af kvalificerede produkter). Jeg hjælper med at støtte Friends of Frying Pan Park Farm, en amtspark i Virginia, som er en fungerende gård, der fortolker landbrugslivet fra 1920'erne til 1950'erne.

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Deling af medlemskab

Du kan dele dit Amazon Prime-medlemskab med din husstand via Amazon Household. Her er aftalen:Dine Prime-fordele kan deles med en anden voksen i en husstand - så længe I begge er enige om at dele dine betalingsmetoder (du linker dine konti via Amazon Household). Det er fint for f.eks. en ægtefælle eller en betydelig anden, men at give din værelseskammerat adgang til dit kredit- eller betalingskort kan være en deal-breaker .

Din partner i Prime skal have en separat Amazon-konto for at kunne føjes til dit Prime-medlemskab. Du vil derefter være i stand til at dele visse Prime-frynsegoder, herunder gratis to-dages forsendelse, digitalt indhold og mere. Teenagere og yngre børn kan også tilføjes (op til fire), men de har forældrebegrænset adgang, rost være (yngre børn kan ikke købe noget på Amazon; med forældrekontrol kan de få adgang til bestemt digitalt indhold).

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Adgang til eksklusive mærker

Amazon udvider aggressivt sine private label-tilbud – et område, der rummer et enormt forretningspotentiale, som vi påpegede i vores historie om Costcos Kirkland Signature-mærker.

Amazon Elements-produkter (vitaminer, kosttilskud, babyservietter osv.) er for eksempel allerede kun tilgængelige for Prime-medlemmer, og virksomheden er ved at udrulle andre eksklusive private label-mærker. Også unikt ved Elements:Scan en særlig kode på produktet -- ved hjælp af din Amazon Shopping-app -- og du vil se, hvor hver ingrediens i produktet er hentet , ned til vandet i babyserviettene.

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Ubegrænset billedlagring (også videoer) på Amazon Prime

Amazon Prime-medlemmer får ubegrænset billedlagring i fuld opløsning. Ja, ubegrænset. Plus, du kan tilføje op til fem andre, som i familie og venner, forbundet i, eh, Family Vault. Billeder er tilgængelige fra enhver enhed, hvor som helst du kan trykke på din Amazon Prime-konto. Hvis du er ligesom mig, overforbrug ved at have en Amazon Prime-konto og betale Apple hver måned for cloud-opbevaring for disse dyrebare pixel, kan det være på tide at skære nogle omkostninger ned.

Du får også 5 GB lagerplads til videoer, dokumenter og andre filer kun til dig, ikke besætningen fra Vault. Ønsker du mere lagerplads? Du kan købe det.

Åh, og ingen bekymringer om at tagge billeder. Amazons skræmmende servere vil automatisk sortere dine billeder. Vil du frigøre lagerplads på din telefon? Brug Amazon-appen, upload dem til Prime Photos og slet dem fra din telefon.

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Prime for studerende

Med børnene tilbage på college, kommer Amazon Prime Student, lige til at sidde rundt i kollegiet og streame den længe ventede næste udgave af Stranger Things eller netop udgivne Amazon Prime-film, i studiepauserne. Det er gratis i de første seks måneder med en legitim ".edu"-skole-e-mailadresse (sammen med bevis for, at du faktisk tager mindst én klasse; måske deltager ikke til klassen, men tager det). Den engangs gratis prøveperiode inkluderer gratis to-dages Prime-forsendelse, gratis afhentning samme dag, ubegrænset filmstreaming, adgang til Amazon Music Unlimited til en god pris på 99 cent om måneden og mere. Efter seks måneder koster det $6,49 om måneden eller de mindre dyre $59 om året for Prime Student. Åh, og du kan købe lærebøger billigt, hvis lærebøger er din syltetøj. Plus ramen og Doritos, selvfølgelig.

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Gratis musik

Hvorfor betale for reklamefri Pandora, Spotify eller Apple Music, når du allerede laver smuk musik med din Amazon Prime-konto? Inkluderet i Amazon Prime Music er gratis adgang til mere end 2 millioner "håndlavede" sange og mere end tusind afspilningslister og stationer programmeret af Amazons musikeksperter uden ekstra omkostninger.

Ulempen? Musikfans hævder, at Amazons gratis playlister og stationer ikke er så dybe som konkurrerende streamingtjenesters – og det er sandt. (Jeg kunne ikke få adgang til OneRepublic-sange på Prime-gratisen.) Ifølge Amazon:"Udvalget af sange og album, der er tilgængelige med Prime Music, ændrer sig altid. Nye titler føjes til Prime Music-kataloget, og lejlighedsvis fjernes titler." Men før du betaler 9,99 USD ekstra om måneden for Apple Music eller Spotify, skal du downloade Amazons musikapp og prøve den. Det kan være alt hvad du behøver. Hvis ikke, en opgradering til Amazon Music Unlimited, som indeholder mere end 70 millioner sange inklusive nye udgivelser (ah, der du er, OneRepublic), kører $7,99 om måneden for Prime-medlemmer, og Amazon har tilbud, der giver dig 30 dage gratis, så du kan prøve, før du køber.

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Gratis bøger, magasiner, lydbøger

Du behøver ikke et offentligt bibliotek for at få et gratis lån, når du har Amazon Prime. Det skyldes, at prisen for et Amazon Prime-medlemskab inkluderer adgang til en ret bred samling på 1.000 bøger, magasiner og lydbøger beliggende i Prime Reading. Prime Reading giver dig eller din husstand mulighed for at låne op til 10 titler ad gangen og fra et udvalg af Kindle-bøger, magasiner, korte værker, bøger med hørbar fortælling, tegneserier og mere. Det tilgængelige indhold opdateres med jævne mellemrum, siger Amazon, og titler tilføjes og fjernes. Prime Reading kan ses på Amazons proprietære Fire-tablet og Kindle e-læser eller via Kindle læseapps til iOS og Android.

Som en bonus får Prime-medlemmer også gratis adgang til visse podcasts (hey, tjek Kiplingers Your Money's Worth der) og andre lydbøger og serier gennem Audible Channels, en begrænset version af Audible (som ejes af Amazon, BTW). Du skal downloade Audible-appen og logge ind med din Prime-konto for at begynde at lytte. Ellers koster et abonnement på den fulde version af Audible, ejet af Amazon, $14,95 om måneden (der er en 30-dages gratis prøveperiode).

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Følg dine yndlingsprogrammer

Se på dig, Amazon Prime-medlem: Binge-watching gratis den nye Amazon-serie Tell Me Your Secrets eller den enestående One Night in Miami , en anden Amazon-original. Ja, jeg udnytter i stigende grad at se gratis film og tv-serier via Amazons streamingtjeneste, Prime Video. Hvis du har et nyere tv, er Prime Video-appen indbygget, så klik på den og bom! Du er i filmene. Åh, og bare rolig. Mens du ser Prime Video, holder Amazon øje med dig. De "personlige anbefalinger baseret på din visningshistorik" kan være både uhyggelige og praktiske.

Du kan endda downloade film og tv-shows til mobile enheder til senere visning (og hvad du køber, gemmer du i dit videobibliotek hos Amazon). Kabel-tv og satellit-kabelklippere kan være glade for at vide, at de kan binge på Showtime, Starz og mange flere streamingtjenester via Amazon Prime-appen. Yderligere gebyrer for disse kanaler løber fra $4,99 til $14,99 om måneden for Prime-medlemmer. Åh, og hvis du leder efter HBO på Amazon Prime, undskyld. Amazon startede HBO fra den 15. september. Ouch!

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Tidlig adgang til Lightning-tilbud

Do you live for the quick, hot deal? Amazon Prime members enjoy access to those one-off, deeply discounted Lightning Deals 30 minutes before the great unwashed as part of Prime Early Access. Lightning Deals are only good for a few hours (or as long as supplies last) so if you really want what's on sale early access is an advantage. But even then, Amazon warns some deals could sell out during the early access period, before opening up to the general public. Recent Prime Early Access Lightning Deals included 27% off Lulla Bear Shusher by Alex &Kate ($44), 27% off a two pack of AmeriTop outdoor solar lights ($35.99), and 35% off EAILGORL water bottles ($18.69, plus another 20% off by clicking the coupon button).

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Something for New Moms and Dads

The former Amazon Mom benefit has morphed into Amazon Family, a Prime perk that includes up to 20% off diapers, baby food and more, free shipping and free returns , which we don’t want to think about when we’re talking diapers. Oh, and Amazon Family has lots of other nice perks, meaning discounts on kid-friendly items.

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Say Hey to Alexa

If you own an Amazon Echo or Echo Dot device or anything else built with the ears and voice of Alexa, your Prime membership allows you to place orders through Alexa , the voice-activated digital assistant. For example, if you just ran out of fresh batteries for your flashlight, say "Alexa, order AA batteries" and a 20-pack of fresh AmazonBasics AA batteries will arrive on your doorstep two days later. Shipping is free for Prime members , natch, and Alexa is already aware of your Prime status.

Also, say "Alexa, what are your deals?" to learn about special Alexa-only discounts , although I find her voiced descriptions a bit difficult to follow. She does, however, tell some pretty corny jokes, and will sing "Happy Birthday" upon request.

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Whole Foods Discounts and Delivery

Amazon purchased the Whole Foods supermarket chain in the summer of 2017. Since then, shoppers have been able to order on Amazon.com the upscale grocer's private-label products, including those from 365 Everyday Value, Whole Paws and Whole Catch, and other items. Amazon also rolled with free two-hour delivery of groceries from Whole Foods to Prime members in select cities. But that's changing beginning Oct. 25. Amazon will start charging $9.95 for those once-free deliveries from Whole Foods. And that's on top of your annual Prime membership.

Still, Amazon gives Prime members an extra 10% off on sale items at Whole Foods stores (look for the yellow signs) plus other seasonal deals. To receive the discount, in-store shoppers must download the Whole Foods Market app to their phone, log in with their Prime account and have the code scanned on their phones at checkout. The Whole Foods Market app will also alert Amazon Prime shoppers to exclusive in-store deals; virtual coupons, don't you know?

More, you can also have any of your online Amazon.com orders shipped to Whole Foods stores that have Amazon Lockers (see below). You can also do Amazon.com returns at Whole Foods for free, no box or label needed.

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Fun With the Treasure Truck

Amazon has wheels:A fleet of bubble-blowing, music-spewing panel trucks that once roamed the streets in more than two dozen U.S. cities, hauling hot deals on cool items. You'd get a text alert about the day's hot item, buy it online with your Prime membership and hoof it over to the Amazon Treasure Truck to pick up your treasures and have a little fun.

Well, you used to. And maybe in the future you will again. The actual physical trucks are offline doing community service during the pandemic. But when they return, here’s the deal:

First rolled out in 2016 in Seattle, Amazon's hometown, Treasure Trucks are in 29 major U.S. cities and metro areas, including Atlanta, Austin, Baltimore, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Denver, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, Minneapolis-St. Paul, Nashville, New York, Orlando, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Portland, Sacramento, San Antonio, San Diego, San Francisco, San Jose, Seattle, Tampa, and Washington, D.C., getting all hip selling tech trends, outdoor essentials, fresh foods including giant porterhouse steaks, the latest Nintendo releases and more. You use the Amazon app (or sign up for text notifications) to see what the day's deals are on your local Treasure Truck (or in the city you're visiting), and make your purchase with the app by clicking "I want this." You'll get a confirmation email that will also tell you where the Treasure Truck is parked (think Whole Foods). It's your job to go claim your purchase . Warning:You may see dancers, costumed characters, costumed dogs, games and more at the tricked-out TT, but expect that at a later time, what with social distancing at the moment.

So for now, Amazon is still texting you the Treasure Truck deal of the day, and if you buy it, it will be shipped to your favorite place for receiving Amazon packages.

Here's the Treasure Truck FAQ.

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Free Release-Date Delivery

Are you waiting for that hot new video game, book (yes, we still love print) or movie, or the latest jam from your favorite band? Get it by 7 p.m. the day it's released, courtesy of Amazon Prime .

Maybe you're looking forward to Metroid Prime 4 for Nintendo Switch releasing Dec. 31, 2022 (yes, 2022 ). Choose "release date delivery" when you make your purchase and, hello, Primer, you're among the first to be checking out something hot and fresh .

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Amazon Prime Day Deals

Amazon.com launched its Black-Friday-in-July Prime Day back in 2015, ostensibly to celebrate its 20th anniversary. In reality, Prime Day (or really, day-or-two) is a way for Amazon to juice sales in mid-summer , when consumers tend to spend more time on vacation and less time in stores and online. Amazon tries to grab the attention (and dollars) of its 100 million Prime members worldwide by offering them exclusive deals on Prime Day itself, as well as in the days leading up to the big event.

Prime Day 2020 was a bit different as the coronavirus pandemic rattled the world. Instead of mid-July, Prime Day was in October, and not only triggered record Prime Day sales for Amazon, it launched the 2020 end-of-the-year holiday shopping season a month early .

Prime Day 2021 was returned to summer. It was June 21-22 for 2021.  As is typical, Prime members got red-hot deals on a smorgasbord of gadgets and geegaws, especially on Amazon's proprietary products including Alexa-activated devices. You have to be a Prime member to buy, but news flash:You can sign up for a 30-day free trial. Some shoppers cancel after Prime Day and before the 30 days are up to dodge the $119-a-year Prime membership fee. Just sayin'.

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Easy Re-Ordering

Sometimes, you just forget. You forget where you purchased the water filter for your fridge, and when it's time to get it replaced. Or you forget where (and when) you bought those fading off-brand, discount (but excellent) replacement ink cartridges for your printer. Or you just want to do price comparisons on those items between Amazon and the manufacturer's online store. Prime has you covered .

Click on the Orders button at the top of your Amazon.com page (near the cart). It will take you to the Your Orders page and will default to show you your purchases from the last six months . You can also go back to the very first order you made. My first order was on Oct. 24, 2007, and it was a schizophrenic cart containing an electric toothbrush, a 24-pack of canned salsa, a book (In the Shadow of No Towers ) and a pack of replacement heads for the new toothbrush. Please don't judge; I was learning.

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Free Delivery to Your Car

Amazon has this delivery option paused due to the coronavirus crisis, but when it restarts, if you own a certain make and model car, Amazon will deliver your Prime packages to your car instead of your front porch , the better to deter porch thieves. Starting off in 37 cities, the service is only available for 2015 or later Buick, Cadillac, Chevrolet and GMC vehicles that have active OnStar accounts or Volvos with active Volvo on Call accounts. Select Ford, Lincoln, Honda and Acura vehicles are part of the pack .

If you have an eligible vehicle, you'll need to download the Key by Amazon app , which will give the delivery driver access to your ride. Amazon said the car must be parked in an “open, street-level, and publicly accessible area.” Depending on the type of vehicle it is and how much space is available, the package will be stowed in the trunk or the cabin.

The rest is done by voodoo. You'll get a four-hour window notification of delivery , you'll be notified when the driver arrives, the driver will notify Amazon, your car will be unlocked, package inserted, car locked and you're notified again.

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In-Home Delivery When You're Not Home

This one is also on pause during the coronavirus pandemic, but in-home deliveries by Amazon when you’re not home will likely restart at some point. Here’s how it works:You outfit your home with an Amazon-enabled smart lock and camera (Ring, owned by Amazon, works, too). If your residence is in one of the 50 metropolitan areas where Key by Amazon delivers in this manner, you’ll be able to allow delivery drivers to drop your package inside your home using the Key by Amazon app. You just have to fork over a couple of hundred bucks to outfit your home with a special Amazon kit that includes a smart lock and an in-home camera to eyeball the delivery . Again with Key by Amazon, you'll be notified when the delivery is about to be made, and remotely unlock your door. The package is placed just inside your door and you notice this because you're watching, remotely, through that camera via your mobile device. You'll spend around $220 (plus installation fees if you're not comfortable installing the smart lock) for this one-time setup.

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In-Garage Delivery When You’re Not Home

Also driven by the Key by Amazon app, Key by Amazon In-Garage Delivery is not on hold during the pandemic, and is touted by Amazon as a perfect contactless delivery method to keep your purchases safe from porch pirates. It’s free for Prime members and available in more than 4,000 cities. You can even have your Whole Foods Market and Amazon Fresh (see below) groceries left in your garage.

Here’s how it works: Drivers get temporary access to open your garage door when the Amazon delivery app confirms the driver’s identity and delivery route. The vetted drivers are instructed to go no more than 5 feet inside your garage to drop off the package. You can also follow their moves via an optional in-garage camera.

See if your garage door opener will play nice with Amazon Key for Garage. If it is not and you still want the service, you can install a myQ smart garage hub to make your garage compatible with Key by Amazon.

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In-Gate Delivery When You’re Not Home

This is a new one from Amazon:In-Gate Delivery from Key by Amazon. Designed for single-family homes with gated driveways or fences with electronic locks, as well as small apartment complexes. You'll need the Ring Access Controller Pro and the Key by Amazon app to allow Amazon drivers access to your locked gate so they can safely secure your package behind the locked gate.

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Take Your Amazon Returns to Kohl's

Amazon.com has partnered with Kohl's department stores to provide Amazon shoppers with another place to return their Amazon products -- and stir up some foot traffic for Kohl's.

The team-up makes it a win-win for both retailers . Amazon shoppers have another place to drop off returns besides UPS, the post office, Whole Foods stores and Amazon Hub locales (see below), and Kohl's will gain some potential shoppers, who must drop off their Amazon returns at customer service or a dedicated Amazon returns desk. You don't even have to pack the return box; the good folks at Kohl's will take care of it. Try getting the post office to do that.

Why is this a win for Kohl's? In my experience, the customer service desks at Kohl's are deep inside the store (in one local Kohl's, it's in the back of the second level of the store). That's a whole lot of merchandise to pass by as you drop off the Amazon package and leave the store.

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Amazon Hub Locker

Whether receiving or returning, Amazon Hub Locker is a nice perk for Prime shoppers who live areas plagued by porch pirates. Amazon-owned Whole Foods stores and other retailers have the self-serve locker kiosks installed. They're free to use for picking up items or returning them .

Here's the drill:Sign into your Amazon account and find the closest Amazon Locker to you. Put that address in your address book and choose it as the default delivery site for your goods when you check out and pay for your order. When the package is delivered, you'll receive a code to unlock the locker. Follow the instructions on the screen.

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Pick Up or Return Your Amazon Purchase at an Amazon Hub

It’s not just Kohl’s getting into the return-your-Amazon-buys-at-my-store business. Small retailers are getting in the game now for many of the same reasons, including ginning up foot traffic so Amazon shoppers might buy something from their store.

Here’s how it works:A retailer (or apartment complex) reaches out to Amazon to become an Amazon Hub store. As a hub, shoppers can return as well as pick up orders at that Hub. That way the Amazon shopper doesn't have to worry about porch pirates. Their Amazon order is safely tucked into the Hub store. Don’t like your Amazon order? Just like at Kohl’s, you can take your order to the Hub location and they’ll pack it up and return it to Amazon, all at no charge to you (as a Prime member, returns on most products are free).

That Hub station owner just hopes you might have a look-see at the items they’re selling and maybe buy an item or two -- and tell your friends about the service.

Hub partners also have the option of just playing host to an Amazon Locker, such as the ones many Whole Foods, malls and other retailers have.

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Speed Gifts to Friends, Family

If you're not at all concerned about gift-wrapping gifts during the holidays or on birthdays and anniversaries, you can fast-gift family and friends via Amazon Prime (and, of course, with free two-day shipping). Add their address to your Amazon address book, shop, and when you're paying for your cart, choose their address as the default shipping destination. Just remember to change the default address back to your home when shopping for yourself.

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Shop Women-Owned Businesses

Here's a discovery:You can shop at women-owned businesses in the Amazon world to give budding female entrepreneurs a boost. The service is available on Amazon Storefronts , and offerings include everything from clothing and spa goods to books and party supplies.

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Make Any Day Your Amazon Day

Now you can tell Amazon what day (or two) of the week you prefer to get your Prime deliveries. This one is especially good if you subscribe to items on Amazon.com for regular delivery, or if you want to be home when your packages arrive, or if you want to cut down on packaging, or if you just want to say hey to the delivery driver. Tell Amazon which day of the week you designate as "Amazon Day" and they'll lock it in. You can choose up to two Amazon Days.

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Discounts at Amazon Stores

And you thought Amazon was just an online shopping site. Say hello to Amazon 4-star, Amazon Books, Amazon Go, Amazon Go Grocery and Amazon Fresh , five from-scratch brick-and-mortar store concepts from the retail giant. That is, of course, in addition to Whole Foods, an Amazon acquisition, but we already told you that.

Amazon 4-star stores sell a range of products that get 4-star reviews by Amazon customers, plus a smattering of new products that might not have that top rating, but are popular and/or new and trending. This includes Amazon-proprietary products such as Echo, Kindle and Fire TV devices. Anyone can shop in Amazon 4-star stores, but only Prime members get the same Prime prices they see online . There are 31 Amazon 4-star stores open or in “coming soon” phases, and they’re scattered throughout the country. Note that some of the stores are operating under limited hours during the pandemic.

Amazon Books is exactly what you’d expect in the name:Amazon Books is a bookstore chain, a fitting tribute to Amazon, which cut its teeth as an online-only  bookstore 26 years ago . In its 24 locations, Amazon Books sells a curated selection of bestsellers, new releases, or books rated four stars and above by Amazon customers (as with its other stores, anyone can shop at Amazon Books, but only Prime members get Prime prices). You’ll also find Amazon’s Kindle reading devices and more, but people:This is Amazon Books, not Amazon 4-star or Amazon Go, so don't expect a sammich or a lot of gadgets.

Amazon Go stores sell already assembled, ready-to-eat meals and snacks for breakfast, lunch and snack time. The stores are true grab-and-go. There are no registers. Shoppers use the free Amazon Go app and scan it at the entrance to get in the gate , then scan the QR code of items they want, bag them and leave the store. Your Amazon account will be automatically charged. There are currently 26 Amazon Go stores, in Chicago, New York City, San Francisco and Seattle.

Amazon Go Grocery takes the Amazon Go concept and adds in fresh seasonal produce and local baked goods. There are currently only two Amazon Go stores, both in the Seattle area.

Amazon Fresh stores are small fresh food markets offering produce, meats and seafood, as well as prepared foods made fresh in the store. There currently only a handful of Amazon Fresh stores, all located in Southern California.

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Game for Free and Score Loot

Prime Gaming is the place to be if you’re a gamer and you have Amazon Prime. You can play online games for free , and you can even up your game with free loot. How about upgrading your Madden Ultimate team or get the Kosatka Submarine Station in Grand Theft Auto  online? Other offers include playing “Hole.io” ad-free for 21 days and power-up bundles for free on several games. You also get a free monthly channel subscription on Twitch.TV, the live streaming platform for gamers . It’s owned by Amazon.

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Make Amazon Your Prime Prescription Drugstore

Here’s a fresh one in the Amazon Prime lineup:Amazon Pharmacy. Amazon will take over delivering your prescriptions within two days, for free. Amazon promises more savings, too, but you’ll want to check to see if your scripts are less expensive at Amazon Pharmacy compare to your current pharmacy or online service .

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Shop Used in the Amazon Warehouse

Amazon Warehouse:Where all the things you returned to Amazon go to be resold . Here you’ll find millions of used and open-box items sold at bargain prices. Those items range from used home and kitchen goods, used computers, Amazon devices, digital cameras, used TVs and unlocked cell phones.

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Head Over to The Shop by ShopBop for Designer Deals

You can find designer work-from-home gear, in the The Shop by Shopbop on Amazon. Amazon bought the Wisconsin-based fashion retailer in 2006 , and The Shop by Shopbop offers stylish clothing, shoes, designer goods, accessories and bags.

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Hoof It to Zappos and Get Premium Shipping

Betcha didn’t know Amazon also owns online shoe giant Zappos, did you? It does now. And if you link your Amazon Prime account with your Zappos account, you’ll earn two Zappos shopping points for every $1 you spend. That’s twice what run-of-the-mill Zappos VIPs earn.

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