Måske sad du bare på lægens kontor og lyttede til dem forklare diagnosen.
De fleste mennesker kan fortælle dig det nøjagtige øjeblik, de blev diagnosticeret med diabetes. De vidste ikke noget om sygdommen, før de havde den.
Efter du har fået at vide, at dit helbred har nogle alvorlige problemer, begynder du at tænke på fremtiden. Du indser, at du ikke er uforgængelig.
Dette er det øjeblik, hvor mange mennesker begynder at shoppe rundt efter en livsforsikring, men det er ikke så nemt som at købe en ny mobiltelefon.
Det er ikke umuligt at få en livsforsikring med diabetes, men du skal gøre dit hjemmearbejde først.
Diabetes bliver mere og mere almindeligt. Hvert år færdiggør Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) en rapport om diabetes og dens indvirkning på USA.
Tallene fra 2017 var mere chokerende, end de fleste havde forventet. Der er mere end 23 millioner mennesker diagnosticeret med diabetes. CDC rapporterer yderligere 7,2 millioner amerikanere med diabetes, som ikke er blevet diagnosticeret.
Ikke kun er det almindeligt, men det er også dødeligt. Diabetes var den syvende hyppigste dødsårsag i 2015, hvor næsten 80.000 døde med diabetes som den førende årsag.
Mens alle kan blive diagnosticeret med diabetes, er der grupper af mennesker, der har en højere risiko end andre.
Hovedsageligt indianere, afroamerikanere og folk af latinamerikansk afstamning. Amerikanske indianere var hele 15 %, afroamerikanere tegnede sig for mere end 12 %, og latinamerikanere var yderligere 12 %.
Livsforsikring er afgørende for alle, uanset helbredstilstand, men det er endnu mere for alle, der har et alvorligt helbredsproblem.
Hvis du lever med diabetes, ved du, at det er dyrt tilstand. Lægeregningerne kan hurtigt stige, og du kan finde dig selv med gæld op til øjnene.
Jo dårligere dit helbred er, jo mere medicinsk gæld kan du have. Hvis der skulle ske noget, og du døde, går alle disse lægeregninger og diabetesrelaterede udgifter direkte til dine familiemedlemmer.
At have en livsforsikringsplan på plads kan give dig ro i sindet ved, at dette ikke vil ske. Din diabetesdiagnose forhindrer dig ikke i at få en af disse planer.
Ikke alle diabetesdiagnoser er ens. Tilstandens art og sværhedsgrad kommer til at spille en stor rolle i livsforsikringsdækningen.
Vi skal se på typerne, og hvordan de vil ændre dækningen.
Type 1-diabetes (tidligere kendt som ungdomsdiabetes, men også T1D), er en af de mindst almindelige diabetestyper, men den er også en af de mest alvorlige. På trods af al forskning er eksperter stadig ikke 100 % sikre på, hvad årsagerne til type 1 er.
Type 1 kræver meget opmærksomhed med insulin og medicin, da kroppen ikke producerer insulin, og det kan skabe nogle alvorlige problemer.
Ansøgere kan stadig blive godkendt til en livsforsikring, selv med denne alvorlige tilstand.
Type 2 er den mest almindelige form for diabetes, og den kan komme fra livsstilsvalg eller arvelige tilstande.
Din bugspytkirtel producerer insulinet, men din krop bruger det ikke effektivt. Fordi insulin ikke bliver brugt korrekt, kan kroppen ikke styre blodsukkerniveauet.
Mellem de to hovedtyper er livsforsikring for type 2-diabetikere meget nemmere at få, og kommer normalt også til en lavere pris.
Når du er gravid, gennemgår din krop en masse forandringer. En af dem er din insulinresistens.
Din krop kommer til at nære barnet så meget som muligt, en del af dette er at lave glukose til barnet. Din krop har brug for mere insulin, men nogle gange kan kroppen ikke følge med de ekstra behov, hvilket kan få blodsukkeret til at stige.
For de fleste mennesker er svangerskabsdiabetes ikke en permanent tilstand. Efter graviditeten bør kroppen gå tilbage til det normale, og blodsukkeret bør udjævnes.
Annoncer efter penge. Vi kan blive kompenseret, hvis du klikker på denne annonce.AnnonceIf you’ve never shopped for life insurance as an applicant with diabetes, you’re going to run into a few roadblocks.
Not every carrier is going to take the risk to give people with diabetes insurance protection.
Some companies have worked to tailor their plans to those with diabetes.
These carriers have done the research and tweaked their algorithms to ensure they are giving the best plans to those with any type of diabetes.
AIG is not only one of the largest carriers on our list, but they are also one of the best for people with diabetes. The beginning of AIG goes all the way back to 1919 in China. They are about to celebrate 100 years in the market.
There are a lot of factors they look at when you apply with AIG. Depending on when you were diagnosed (preferably after 60), and your A1C levels, you may be able to get standard rates for AIG. With most companies, you can’t get anywhere near standard rates.
You’ll probably recognize their mountain logo. They have spent a lot of money sponsoring events and marketing their products.
Prudential sells several guys of plans. All of their “Pru” options will give you plans you can afford. Through the years, they have carved niches in various kinds of high-risk applicants, like those with diabetes and they were the first to sell insurance to people living with HIV.
For years, they’ve been the leading force in giving less than perfect candidates perfect rates.
Protective was established in 1907, and they have excellent ratings. They hold an A+ grade from A.M. Best. They have been around for a long time, but they continue to impress all of the third-party grading companies.
Protective A1C views are more liberal than other carriers. We see a lot of applicants get better rate classes compared to what they received from other carriers.
They also tend to have faster underwriting than other companies. If you’re worried about having to twiddle your thumbs for months, Protective should be your go-to.
American National Insurance Company isn’t new. They aren’t the most well-known companies out there, but they have over 5 million policyholders across every state and Puerto Rico.
In 2017, they were rewarded with Forbes as a member of the’ “Most Trustworthy Financial Companies” list.
One area where ANICO shines is with their no exam options. They have great rates for anyone willing to skip the medical exam (they have good rates for traditional exam policies as well).
In general, Foresters has excelled at selling life insurance to anyone with health problems. Through the years, they have accepted applicants who would be rejected at just about every other company.
If you’ve had problems getting rejected by other companies, Foresters could be your backup options. The one negative of this company is their rates. While they might accept the extra risk, they are going to charge you for the protection.
More and more companies are boasted about their no exam options. In today’s culture, we don’t want to wait for anything.
With the traditional insurance plan, you could sit around waiting for life insurance for more than a month. One of the benefits of no exam life insurance is the speed.
Obviously, if you don’t have to go through as many steps, you’ll finish the process quicker.
Even without the medical exam, the company will still ask you about a hundred different questions. They will want to get as much information as possible to fill in the gaps.
The big caveat of no exam plans is the premiums that come along. Less info means more risk to the company. More risk means higher premiums .
As we mentioned earlier, carriers and agents are going to dive deep into your personal info. They are going to explore a lot of factors.
They will want to know:
Because there are so many factors, and each carrier will put different weights on these factors, the rate class you get could be wildly different depending on the company.
Each company has different rates and view towards people with diabetes.
The highest rate class an applicant with diabetes can get is standard. As long as the applicant is in “relatively good health” and has a reasonable A1C level (around 7).
If you have other health problems, aside from diabetes, then you’re going to be put in a substandard rate class.
Diabetes can add a lot of complications to daily life. It can make simple things a little more difficult, buying life insurance is no exception.
If you’ve applied before and you were declined, or you were accepted but with a massive price tag, don’t give up hope.
You probably picked the wrong carrier. Most people do.
You don’t have to be an insurance genius to find a company who sells cheap life insurance for diabetics. All it takes is the dedication and a little work.
You can start by contacting the 5 companies we mentioned above.